Connor Schuler




Tech Support

Hi, I'm Connor Schuler. I'm a high school student and I spend more time than I'd care to admit in front of a computer. While I enjoy all aspects of computers, my favorites include video editing, programming, and IT work.

During my middle school years, I participated in the Parent Teacher Association Reflections Art Contest. Each year I animated or recorded and edited a video about the provided topic. My first project made it to second place at the state level, and after that, I doubled down and received State First Place and National Honorable Mentions for my next two works.

I consider programming how I got interested in computers in the first place. As far back as elementary school, you could find me working on some form of block-based coding, such as my projects on However, my first real experience in coding was in 2017 when my parents signed me up for a Java based Minecraft modding summer course. Through their other programming courses, I learned basic Python and Unity/C# skills. I also self-taught myself HTML/CSS, and I custom-wrote this entire site.

Through my Computer Information Systems class in high school, I was able to get the ITF Pro and PC Pro certifications. These are certifications through based on relevant CompTIA certifications, which I am also currently working towards. I am also working on my Linux Pro certification, with plans to earn my Cisco CCNA next school year. With all the computer parts available in the room, I also helped build and deploy (including port-forwarding and DNS records) a new server that runs our website. I also configured a RAID 10 local network share on the server, for faster access to commonly used files such as ISOs and installers, as well as a PXE server for faster computer re-imaging. With all the skills I have learned, I now offer a technology support service, please see the tech support menu for more information.

Outside of computers, I am very active at school and in my community. I am the Fundraising Coordinator for my grade's Class Office and have helped planned and execute multiple events such as dances and bingo nights for seniors. I am also a member of my local Boy Scout Troop, where I am a Patrol Leader and am currently planning my Eagle project. I've also volunteered at numerous community organizations and events, including ice cream socials, and the Teen Input board at my local library.